Previous Survey Results

These are the results of the survey about Regenerators for March 2011. There were 25 responses.

Question 1:

Rev. Robert Stirling applied for the patent of what we now call the "regenerator" in 1816. This patent was an improvement to the hot-air engine that was already in use. In the years that followed, the name "Stirling Engine" has been applied to many hot-air engines that do not use a regenerator.

Question 2:

Regenerator Materials: Some prefer to build a regenerator from a highly conductive material such as copper or aluminum so that it will collect and release heat quickly. Others prefer to use a slower conductor like stainless steel or steel in order to avoid overheating caused by thermal shorts.

Question 3:

Should a regenerator be part of every design for small desktop models of hot-air engines?

Question 4:

What is your level of experience with regnerators and Stirling Engines?

People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

Question 5:

Where did your knowledge about regenerators for Stirling Engines come from?

People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

These are the final results for the Stirling Engine Builder's Survey for February 2011.

The survey consists of four simple questions:

What type(s) of Stirling engines do you like to build?

Have you ever assembled a Stirling engine kit?

When building a Stirling engine:

I usually follow the plans provided by someone else.

I usually build my own original designs.


How many working Stirling engines do you currently own?

There were 65 responses. Here are the results:

Some of the submissions for the "other" category are listed here:

    • I wish to design my own
    • follow plans but do deviate
    • would like to make one but not sure which one.
    • I wish to build
    • I have built a 3/4" scale live steam traction engine.
    • N/A plan to if i can find materials
    • just looking now
    • Not build yet, looking for info
    • Adapt/Combine Ideas